Sunday, October 4, 2015

Journey of My Life...................

Dear Friends,

You may think I am having issues and struggling a lot because of this I have chosen this topic and writing all these. But, it’s not true.

Before telling the reason, I have to tell about my family.

I am from a Lower Middle Class Joint family. My Father is having 2 Brothers & 5 Sisters and My Mother is having 5 Brothers & 4 Sisters. We are 40 children in my family both sides.

My Father is basically from Vijayawada. My Grandfather passed away when I was 8 months old. By that time my father’s two sisters got married. Then my father has become a father to all his siblings and migrated along with his entire family to Guntur.

My Father has played / still playing a nice role as father to his sisters & brother.

My House used to fill with relatives always either side. So, I was attached with Grand Parents, Uncles, Aunts and Siblings rather than my Parents. So, I started observing the people around me. I observed happiness, sadness, egos, misunderstandings, misusing the people, playing blame games, playing with others emotions, misbehaving with the people, Dis-satisfactions of the people, More expectations of the people and so on.

I always think

  • ·        WHAT IS LIFE?
  • ·        WHY I BORN?
  • ·        WHAT IS HAPPENING?
  • ·        WHO IS GOD?

And so on…………… But, I never get answers to my questions.

Till my graduation, I am a book warm. I don’t have any other world except my family. Even if I am not happy, I learned to be adjusted, I learned to be quite, I learned to accept even though mistake is mine or not since I don’t like to argue, I learned not to say No to anything as a middle class family member. People never taught that that I am adjusting to all the situations and I need them in my life to lead happy life. Instead they felt I am comfortable, I can’t do anything since I am a girl and I don’t have any other options.  

Like, Cat starts roaring like a lion if we hurt it more, because of some situations, I stared opening my mouth and opposing if I felt it’s wrong. Then on wards my real life started. People around me started showing their original attitudes.

I understood no love, no affection and no relations without money. Then I started my life towards career in IT industry Even though I love teaching.

I stayed in Hyderabad for 2 years and moved to Chennai for 1 year from there I moved to Bangalore for 2 years and again I am back to Hyderabad. I am staying in PG since the day I started my career in IT.

I have seen/seeing so many persons in different age groups from different states, different religions, and different cultures having different opinions, different attitudes, different goals, different life styles, But, I am not able to understand at least one person.

Still, I am in searching for answers to my questions of LIFE.


Saturday, October 3, 2015

We Don't Have Rights To Judge A Person's Reactions.In fact, We Don't Know The Person

In Day to Day life we see  so many persons and their reactions for many situations.

We see different reactions from Different persons even if it is a same situation.

Then we start thinking as 

  • Is this person mad?
  • Why this person reacts abnormally?
  • it's too much, Is this much reaction necessary for this simple situation?
  • Why this person is reacting instead of Responding?
  • What's wrong with this person, that person didn't responded like this?

and  soon...

Some people start giving advises to that person and  try to explain the situation. 
Some persons start giving advise to others: That person is like only just ignore,why to waste time 

and soon.

In reality.......
The person reacts as per his 

  • Original Nature,
  • The surroundings where he brought up,
  • Previous Experiences,
  • People Around,
  • Knowledge on that situation,
  • Thinking about the consequences,
  • Capacity of Patience,
  • Sanskar  and soon..

We don't know anything about that person. But, We start thinking in our own way and start rumors about the person. 

you don't have rights to do so.

If you can, try to understand the person and give some suggestions and make him understand the situation. or else just ignore.


Think Before Offering Anything To Any One........

Don't offer anything to any one if they are not expecting from you. 

If you offer, instead of thinking your goodness they just start thinking as

 you are trying to impress them  or
 you are behind them or 
 you are having more than what you should have.....
 and so on....

Just Think Before Offering Anything To Any One........