Saturday, October 3, 2015

We Don't Have Rights To Judge A Person's Reactions.In fact, We Don't Know The Person

In Day to Day life we see  so many persons and their reactions for many situations.

We see different reactions from Different persons even if it is a same situation.

Then we start thinking as 

  • Is this person mad?
  • Why this person reacts abnormally?
  • it's too much, Is this much reaction necessary for this simple situation?
  • Why this person is reacting instead of Responding?
  • What's wrong with this person, that person didn't responded like this?

and  soon...

Some people start giving advises to that person and  try to explain the situation. 
Some persons start giving advise to others: That person is like only just ignore,why to waste time 

and soon.

In reality.......
The person reacts as per his 

  • Original Nature,
  • The surroundings where he brought up,
  • Previous Experiences,
  • People Around,
  • Knowledge on that situation,
  • Thinking about the consequences,
  • Capacity of Patience,
  • Sanskar  and soon..

We don't know anything about that person. But, We start thinking in our own way and start rumors about the person. 

you don't have rights to do so.

If you can, try to understand the person and give some suggestions and make him understand the situation. or else just ignore.


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